Where to install CCTV cameras at home?

When you’re hoping to increase your home security, it isn’t enough to buy CCTV cameras; you must also know where to put them for maximum protection. This ensures you have the best view of your home, and can check the feeds for full peace of mind.
The five best spots to install CCTV cameras include:
• Entry points
• Driveways
• Off-street windows
• Common areas
• Main passages
Read on to learn more about the best home CCTV locations.
Entry points
Cover each of the main entryways into the house, including front and back doors; even the presence of a CCTV camera could be enough to deter thieves. For that reason, many people decide to have the camera on display, facing away from the door and visible to anybody who might otherwise attempt entry. A significant amount of burglars enter through the front door, so defending this area is especially important – a motion-sensitive light could also serve as an additional deterrent to stop intruders.
Placing a camera near the front of your driveway continues this deterrence – and might also give you a view of any prospective intruders checking your property from a distance. The sooner most burglars see a camera, the sooner they’re likely to abandon their attempts at theft. If the driveway has a vehicle, there might be a chance that they try to steal it, or any belongings within, so it’s essential you protect this area. A driveway camera can show intruders you take security seriously.
Off-Street Windows
Smart burglars often avoid parts of the home that directly face the street, and may instead try to use unlocked windows on the other side of the property that are less likely to have defences. Placing a camera here lets you also defend this part of the property, demonstrating a further commitment to home security. Windows are an entryway that most people neglect to defend, with unlocked windows accounting for many burglaries, so you can avoid making this mistake by placing a camera.
Common Areas
If a burglar does get access to your home, they’re most likely to investigate common areas, such as the kitchen or living room, where there’s a chance of finding valuables. If cameras within these areas just aren’t enough to deter a burglar from taking your belongings, this can still help by providing evidence for contents insurance, or other types of coverage. Even without an intrusion risk, this helps you keep an eye on the home if you’re away or the kids are alone.
Main Passages
For maximum coverage, have at least one camera in the main passageway – though you might require several, depending on the size of your property and its layout. Stairways are especially important to cover, as a burglar might go up the stairs to browse the bedrooms for belongings if your house is empty. When somebody tries to move through your house, they’ll usually enter the hallways or stairwell. The close quarters of these areas can even make it possible to see the intruder’s face.
Area’s You Can’t Install a CCTV Camera
When deciding where to install a CCTV camera in your home, there are some places which are off-limits due to privacy laws. This includes bathrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, bedrooms and other private spaces within the house. Be sure to check with your local authority before installing any camera in any restricted areas.
Guidelines for Outdoor Security Camera Placement
When placing outdoor security cameras around your property, it’s important that you choose locations which offer good visibility but at the same time remain out of reach from potential intruders or vandals – this could include mounting them high up on walls or fences rather than low down where they can be tampered with more easily. Additionally, make sure they can capture an adequate view without obstructions such as trees or bushes blocking their lens.
Guidelines for Indoor Security Camera Placement
When installing indoor security cameras in your home, try to avoid placing them directly above doors or windows as intruders may be able to disable them once inside your property; instead opt for slightly more discreet locations such as inside cupboards or behind furniture where possible.
Should Your CCTV Be Professionally Installed?
It’s important that any CCTV systems installed within a property are done correctly and professionally; otherwise, there is potential for problems further down the line due to poor wiring or incorrect setup procedures being followed during installation which could result in footage not being captured properly or worse still – no footage being recorded at all!
Professional installation services usually come with warranties too so if something were ever go wrong after installation then they should be able to fix it quickly without too much fuss – something worth considering especially if you’re wanting peace of mind knowing that everything is set up correctly without having had prior experience yourself setting up these systems beforehand!
To learn more about how CCTV can keep you and your family safe, get in touch with us at Pacific Telephone & Data via our contact form, or give us a call on (02) 4922 7888 and speak with one of our friendly team. Our team Specialises in CCTV Installation in Newcastle We’ll help you gain peace of mind and protection against crime!